Kontakt CulturePlus i dag

Bjørk Henderson

​Sales Manager, Brands for Retail

Telefon:​ +45 2090 8736

Mail: bjoerk@cultureplus.dk

​Henrik Ottensten

​Sales, Culture and Publishing

Telefon:​ +45 2090 8711

Mail: henrik@cultureplus.dk

Christina Knudsen


Telefon:​ +45 7199 8818

Mail: christina@cultureplus.dk

Helle Jensen

Sales, Jylland and Fyn

Telefon: +45 2090 8727
Mail: helle@cultureplus.dk

​Sanne Schram

Customer Service and Logistics

Telefon:​ +45 2090 8731​

Mail: sanne@cultureplus.dk

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CulturePlus ApS

Ejby Industrivej 68

2600 Glostrup​, Denmark